Sunday, December 28, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Books I recommend to became powerful in Mechanical Engineering Drafting.

Every engineer must master at least the basics of graphics, sketching, and modeling--both freehand and computer-assisted.

Whatever your artistic talents, these books will give you the skills you need to develop your visualization skills and right methods to draw as a proffesional engineer.

So I will recommand to read and study at least one of book those authors.


This book is written by Prof.Emeritus James H.Earle

For me is the best Author in teaching books for engineering design graphics .

With books of James H.Earle we became more practical in field of engineering graphics.


This book is very practical in engineering graphics also associated with Autodesk Inventor.

For the passionated of Autodesk Inventor the books of James D.Bethune are the best on world .

Engineering Graphics 14th-edition is written by legends of Technical Drawings in World.

I haven't anything to say more about it.

So I think these books have a role in basic education of engineering design graphics for students and mechanical engineers .
But we can't forget this. "The computer graphics is a primary-medium but RULES REMAIN RULES."

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Times has Changed.

When I was 14-old year on the my test in school I had solving the second grade
equation Ax^2+bx+c=0 .
Now I solved it with AutoLISP .Check and you.

;;; Copyright (c) 2008 Ing.Arben Allaraj
;;; Program that solve equation of second grade.
;;; For more information contact to me.
;;; Modified by Bill Kramer.

(defun C:Grade2 ( / A B C D E F G)
(setq A (getreal "\nEnter the A value: ")
B (getreal " B value: ")
C (getreal " C value: ")
((zerop A)
(prompt "\nA value invalid, cannot be zero."))
((minusp (setq E (- (* B B) (* 4 A C))))
(prompt "\nB^2 - 4AC must be greater than zero to solve."))
(setq D (+ (- B)(sqrt E))
F (/ D (* 2 A))
H (- (- B)(sqrt E))
G (/ H (* 2 A))
(prompt (strcat "\nSolution X1="
(rtos F)
", X2="
(rtos G)